Monday, December 29, 2008

Butter Fingers

I would have been more mad, but I TOTALLY remember when I was a kid and I would sneak handfulls of butter.

Friday, December 26, 2008

Merry Christmas

We had a was technically a my family christmas, but since clint's family lives in town we work that all out.

It was pretty busy and the amount of presents our kids got was insane...josh's fav comment all night, "is there another present for me to open??" Hudson has a two foot dino that is remote can actually make that thing other toys...he's obsessed. And...for Josh...a bunch of cars and gi joe guys...

geez...we need to have a girl..

Sunday, December 21, 2008


Ugly sweater party!!! so much fun!

Saturday, December 20, 2008

I like snow as much as the next person...but....

Come on now...this is just crazy! Take a look at these pictures, you can see how much accum. we've gotten in the past few days just by looking at the added snow on the boys' playhouse

Sunday, December 14, 2008

Snow snow snow

How much fun was this...well I was on the inside & the kids were on the outside..

The boys loved the snow so much. They were all bundled up and singing, "Jing-ger bells"

Sunday, November 23, 2008

Sunday School

Hudson just cracks me up at church. Today was the first time that he actually SAT through the entire service. (granted, Josh was not there b/c he was sick...but that was pretty huge)

He's figured out that if you say "amen" that signifies the end of something. So, while the preacher was going with the sermon, Hud would periodically interject "OH MAN!"

Friday, November 7, 2008

..this must be a sign that I need more sleep...

Scene:'s a 1/2 day from school...I'm happy and carefree and looking forward to a 4 day weekend.

I smell something funny, but think nothing of it as I put Josh into the car. hmmm, I should have thought about it more, but I was just so damn happy about the weekend. As I am pulling Josh out of the car, he's poopy!!!

Shit! Now, it's all over his pants! Luckily, not in the least I dont' think so.

Now, Josh totally denies the poop. "no! poopy!" So I drag him up on the changing table and as I pull off his pants, I'm faced with a dilema (if you are a know)

The poop is what move can I make that will cause the least amount of poop spread-age.

I decide to just go for pulling the pants straight I'm thinking that perhaps the force of the pull will keep the poop contained. No, physical properties was never my there's just shit everywhere!

I get him up and into the bathroom for a quick shower rinse off. At the very moment I put him down, he starts to run. I have thoughts of him tripping over himself and a yellow smear on my beige carpet. So, I make a snap decision. I decide that I'm willing to sacrifice myself for my carpet. I lunge quickly and grab him, holding him close to my chest.

shit...and more shit...

He finally gets into the tub and clean, then states the obvious..."mama, there's poop EVERYWHERE"

1) Josh's pants
2) Josh's left sock (I pulled a bit too hard)
3) two diapers...dont' ask...
4) The phone (small amount of fecal matter) I won't be trying to call someone whilst changing a diaper again..
5) 2 grocery sacks...double bagging is way was I putting that diaper in the diaper genie
6) my LHS hoodie from High School (so sorry Royals!)

Friday, October 31, 2008

Happy Halloween!

Happy Halloween! We had tons of fun. :)

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Trick or Treat for Unicef

What a fun party! We went trick or treating with the kids for UNICEF. Althought, i'm not sure that Hudson or Carly knew what they were really doing.
As you can see here, Josh loved the cake walk. :)

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

men vs. women

me to husband: I think that Hud is having trouble with his s's. You know that the school district offers services free of charge to even kids who aren't school age in this area?

Husband: Oh okay.

Me: Really, ask him to say something that starts with an S

Husband: Hud, say Son of a Bitch


Sunday, October 19, 2008

Hudson gets the camera

While daddy was off on his last day of hunting, I let hudson take some pictures. He was pretty into it, these were the ones he took of brother and I. I had one hand on Josh and the other trying to steady Hudson to take a pic!

Saturday, October 18, 2008

Cant' even get a thing cleaned!!!

So, my husband is off hunting. I was trying to get the house in order so it's decent when he gets home. I am in the play room cleaning. I hear crying, but so screaming coming from the boys' room so I figure it's a problem they can solve on their own. Pretty soon Hud comes out and says, "you won't be hearing from Joshie for a while"
Naturally, I'm curious.
I go into the bedroom and hear a whimpering coming from the closet. I open it up and Hudson had shoved Josh in the back.
Josh says, "safe, come out?"
I head back and ask Hudson what happened, he just looked at me like I was retarded and said, "well,he was just talking too much"


I haven't put too many pictures up of him, so I thought I'd start with at least one. He says that he hates his pictures taken, but oh well.

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Holy Crap these pumpkins are huge...

Hudson and Josh planted pumpkins from seed right after spring break this year. We watered them inside until they started to grow and then replanted outside. It grew really large. This pumpkin here is Josh's. You can see Hud's in the background.

the boys are modeling the newest hats I finished. Hudson is a bee, but it's hard to see the antenea, I swear it's pretty cute. Josh loves towear the football sytle hat in Aggie colors.

My little mini me at Sunday School this morning. He and Josh both said their memory verses and got some candy. They were pretty stoked about that wholebit.

Isn't there a saying about...

Teacher's kids and preacher's kids?

Scene 1: Sunday School today. (I've been alone with the kids for 4 days now) We are all in a circle and praying before going to our classes.

Preacher's wife: Is there anything else?

Hudson: (raising his hand high) yes, I'm really just wondering what is God's last name?

Me: God doesn't have a last name, it's just God.

Hudson: (louder and more determined) YES, I KNOW, BUT WHAT IS HIS LAST NAAAAMMMEEE??

Scene 2: After Sunday School and we are coming down from class. (I teach the preschool kids, which my kids are both in) Josh is going down the stairs behind Hudson and I.

Suzy (the preacher's 5 year old): (singing to the tune of ABC) Stinky, stinky, diaper change, boy my brother smell's real strange...

Me: (to myself) Oh thank God, she's singing about her brother...I already changed Josh's poop this morning.

Just then Josh wanders by and I realize that she's singing about him. The song goes on to include something about ants not wanting to get in the pants and then something about how it appears.

Saturday, October 11, 2008

Deer, Cougars and Bears (an ode) no rhyming...freestyle

You taste so awful, Venison
I hope that you escape
my husband's brand new scope and gun
please please please never grace my plate
so, run fast little bambi
I would rather not have your dead flesh
in my freezer.

As for you Bear and Cougar, I simply have to say
that whilst you may taste like pumpkin pie
I will never ever want to know. Because if a bear/cougar can shit in the woods,
I bet it'll be just as nasty on my plate


Thursday, October 9, 2008


JOSH WENT POTTY ALL BY HIMSELF!!! He told daddy that he had to go potty and then went potty!

You ever feel????

There are times I look at photos

of me with the kids and I think...holy crap! I'm gettin' old! Then I look at pictures of my husband who is 50% gray and I think...HA! At least I have no grays yet...

Then I continue to wonder if thinking those thoughts are bad karma and if now, I'll just end up with more gray hair too!

Alas, I'd ponder these thoughts more, but my three year old has learned to set the kitchen timer I use to regulate their computer time and has now informed me (as he is holding the beeping timer) that my time is up and it is now his turn....

Teacher moment- check out It's a free online learn to read program. It's great for letter introduction & phonemic awareness!

Sunday, October 5, 2008

Cousin day!

We had so much fun playing with my cousin's kids. It was a full out at my aunt and uncle's place. I think the kids had a really good time. They were both pooped when we got home.

We went to the cabin today and nap for the kiddos but I think it was fine all the same. :)

Thursday, October 2, 2008


Hudson has been potty trained for nearly a year (awesome!!!) He sometimes gets potty on the edge of the toilet when he goes. Being the gentleman he is, he wants to wipe it up.

Apparently no one has told him that using my hand/face towel was not kosher.

I'm not quite sure how long he's been doing this, but I've now bleached all my hand/face towels.

Saturday, September 27, 2008

Josh's passion

He's not too bad, at least it's not horrible to listen to. He loves the drum set he got for his birthday, he is able to use both sticks and the foot pedal at once. He can also drum roll. :) HA!

Thursday, September 25, 2008

New pictures --- new games

Then the kids had a new game. I was getting on them about playing sword fight with their broken plastic golf clubs....I left the room for a while and when I came back here is what I found..

Hudson: We are being safe now mama

I guess that is as much as I could hope for!

Oh, the kids are just so funny. hudson just loves to ham it up for the camera. I just had to put this one on there b/c he's usually not a grump. He's the happy go lucky one...Josh is the one who seems to hold a grudge. (any guesses at who takes after who?)

Saturday, September 13, 2008

New pictures - Random order

Okay, I just had to share this one with everyone. I just noticed this about 2 weeks ago. Josh has brown me. Although you can make out a light blue streak that goes from the pupil through the iris. It's so crazy (dad's blue eyes tried!)

I swear I didn't even pose him like this. I wish I knew how to do a speech bubble...oh the things I could say. (Man our yard looks brown back there) You can also just make out the corner of our pumpkin patch.

We have been slacking on watering the lawn, so Josh notices and decides to fix it for himself.

Thursday, September 11, 2008


We had our initial appointment today for hud's allergies. We ended up having to get an epipen for his allergy to nuts.
Have you ever seen that needle? We have a couple kids at school to need it so all staff has to be trained...that thing is huge!

The trainer came and told us that the needle hurts (large enough to go through denim) and it stings a lot too!

On a totally other subject, little brother had to have his check up yesterday. It went fine, but the dr wanted a urine sample from me and gave me a cup. He just said, "do your best". Yes, so now you are thinking, "how the hell are you suppose to get a urine same from a 2 year old who is NOT potty trained" Ha!!! IT was hiliarious, I followed him around for hours with a little cup. He wasn't that happy about it, but he was impressed with himself once he finally peed in there a little bit.

Sunday, September 7, 2008

Missing Hissing Cockroach FOUND!

Ah, yes....being married to a science guy. We have been keeping Madagascar Hissing Cockroaches since the end of May. Hubby was cleaning out the cage and one was lost, he thought it went down the drain. Alas, no....

Whilst cleaning out the kitchen cabinet, there it was...sitting under a bag of now in the garbage Top Raman.

Well at least it's, it did not have babies. However, we are wondering how it survived for 3 months.

(We have thrown away all of our food from that cabinet)

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

First day of school!

Ah, here we are again. The first day of for me and daycare for the kids. They were great today and we all had a great time. I wish I could be a full time mom, but I do enjoy what I do. At least I look well rested. :)

Friday, August 29, 2008

Out of the mouth of Hudson

We had another banner day together. Daddy is at work, but today was my last weekday of summer. School starts Tuesday.

We went to town to run errands and then played at the park. The kids were so good! Then afterwards we went to the grocery we were leaving the kids were getting hungry and a bit cranky. I was trying to push a large cart of food outside to the car, Hudson was helping and Josh was lagging behind.

I turned and said, "Josh, hurry up and stay with mama"
Hudson stopped dead in his tracks in the middle of the parking lot and shouted to Josh, "Brother, come here right now! You know that mama melts in the sun"

There were several people within earshot who just died laughing.

Thursday, August 28, 2008

County Fair

We had so much fun! It was free entry for the afternoon and there were really no other kids b/c school has started most other places! :)
the kids just loved the bouncy castle. Although Josh just liked the look of it.

The Kids just loved the cars. We went on this ride several times. They were the only ones on the ride everytime we went.

The fire dept also gave us lots of attention. They just loved to watch them get up for posed pictures. :)

We alaos just loved the snowcones and treat! (Who doesn't??)

Finally, to cap off a great day. We went to the happy meal house. The kids just loved it and were so happy. (despite the fact that there was no nap going on) As you can also see, Hud was batman! That was fun. Josh wanted nothing to do with face painting, but brother loved every moment!

Sunday, August 24, 2008

End of summer. What a bummer. We go back to school soon. I am happy that my classroom is ready though.

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Tree nut allergy

What a bummer! Please be careful what you feed your kids. We had no idea that Hud was allergic to walnuts. He ate a cookie that had walnuts in it and in about 10 minutes started itching, then his eye swelled shut and the other one looked nearly as bad. He was itching his legs and complaining they were hot.

We gave him benadryl, we didn't have children's (lesson learned there) so we had to half the adult version. He's okay and didn't require any shots, but the swelling to his face was there for several days.

He was finally looking better today when he was stung by a bee. We were worried b/c he'd just had a reaction to the nut. His hand was swollen pretty good, but that was about it. Thank goodness. :)

He had an appointment next month to get tested for other allergies.

Thursday, August 7, 2008

Combine riding

what a bummer I don't have a picture of this. Hud got to go out on the combine with uncle while he was cutting our family's wheat (my mom's side) He had such a great time! I thought he'd only ride for a round or two, but 2 1/2 hours later he wasn't ready to come in. He only got off when the combine needed to go in for servicing.

I, on the other hand, had a horrible time getting him there. I met my aunt at the field entrance, which was just powered dirt, then was stupid and wore flip flops to take him to the combine. It really hurts to walk in a field of wheat stubble in flip flops. ARG!

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

First swimming lesson

After 10 years of teaching swim lessons...I am ashamed to say that my son didn't do so hot on his first day. This was him and his friend about 1/2 way through the lesson. I didn't get a picture of him not going near the water or of him telling the teacher , "I'm just too shy today"
Here is his teacher offering a kickboard ride...he considers it.
AND Finally gets in the water with about 3 minutes left in the lesson

After the lesson, the teacher stayed and played with him in the water. This is Uncle Kurt's idea of having him go off the diving board. He wasn't sure if he wanted to go, but after he went he definately wanted to do it again.

Monday, August 4, 2008

Wheat Truck Rides with Dad!

Hudson is ready to go! He was lucky enough to have his turn meet during lunch time. I packed him his own lunch...just like the harvest crew!
Dad's wheat truck! (full)

Hudson and Dad leaving for more wheat.

Whew! The boys had a fantastic day riding in the wheat truck with dad. There's only one other seat so I was making trips back and forth to the elevator to meet dad and trade kids.

Josh is ready to get in the truck!

Dad and kid dumping wheat at the elevator, ready to go out and get more!

All finished riding for the day! What a bunch of cuties. :)

Sunday, August 3, 2008

First ice cream cone!

This was so funny! I let the kids have their first ice cream cone. (Skinny Cow low fat stuff, they thought it was great!) I figured it was bath night anyways, so I just let em' try it all for themselves. Josh had the most fun!
The aftermath for Josh...
I tried to tell him what would happen if he ate the bottom of the cone first...he was really upset that his ice cream was leaving the cone!

Saturday, August 2, 2008

We are back!

The boys are being good in this photo! I always have fun trying to get them to hold still/smile/not yell at eachother!

We have had such a busy summer. Clint is in harvest now and works from sun up to sun down...really..quite literally! We miss seeing him, but it'll only last for a few more days.

Here is my new knitted that that I made. I made Aggie colors for this one. It's a faux old time football style. It's so cute! Josh liked wearing it and was a very willing model. :)