Sunday, October 12, 2008

Isn't there a saying about...

Teacher's kids and preacher's kids?

Scene 1: Sunday School today. (I've been alone with the kids for 4 days now) We are all in a circle and praying before going to our classes.

Preacher's wife: Is there anything else?

Hudson: (raising his hand high) yes, I'm really just wondering what is God's last name?

Me: God doesn't have a last name, it's just God.

Hudson: (louder and more determined) YES, I KNOW, BUT WHAT IS HIS LAST NAAAAMMMEEE??

Scene 2: After Sunday School and we are coming down from class. (I teach the preschool kids, which my kids are both in) Josh is going down the stairs behind Hudson and I.

Suzy (the preacher's 5 year old): (singing to the tune of ABC) Stinky, stinky, diaper change, boy my brother smell's real strange...

Me: (to myself) Oh thank God, she's singing about her brother...I already changed Josh's poop this morning.

Just then Josh wanders by and I realize that she's singing about him. The song goes on to include something about ants not wanting to get in the pants and then something about how it appears.

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