Friday, October 31, 2008

Happy Halloween!

Happy Halloween! We had tons of fun. :)

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Trick or Treat for Unicef

What a fun party! We went trick or treating with the kids for UNICEF. Althought, i'm not sure that Hudson or Carly knew what they were really doing.
As you can see here, Josh loved the cake walk. :)

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

men vs. women

me to husband: I think that Hud is having trouble with his s's. You know that the school district offers services free of charge to even kids who aren't school age in this area?

Husband: Oh okay.

Me: Really, ask him to say something that starts with an S

Husband: Hud, say Son of a Bitch


Sunday, October 19, 2008

Hudson gets the camera

While daddy was off on his last day of hunting, I let hudson take some pictures. He was pretty into it, these were the ones he took of brother and I. I had one hand on Josh and the other trying to steady Hudson to take a pic!

Saturday, October 18, 2008

Cant' even get a thing cleaned!!!

So, my husband is off hunting. I was trying to get the house in order so it's decent when he gets home. I am in the play room cleaning. I hear crying, but so screaming coming from the boys' room so I figure it's a problem they can solve on their own. Pretty soon Hud comes out and says, "you won't be hearing from Joshie for a while"
Naturally, I'm curious.
I go into the bedroom and hear a whimpering coming from the closet. I open it up and Hudson had shoved Josh in the back.
Josh says, "safe, come out?"
I head back and ask Hudson what happened, he just looked at me like I was retarded and said, "well,he was just talking too much"


I haven't put too many pictures up of him, so I thought I'd start with at least one. He says that he hates his pictures taken, but oh well.

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Holy Crap these pumpkins are huge...

Hudson and Josh planted pumpkins from seed right after spring break this year. We watered them inside until they started to grow and then replanted outside. It grew really large. This pumpkin here is Josh's. You can see Hud's in the background.

the boys are modeling the newest hats I finished. Hudson is a bee, but it's hard to see the antenea, I swear it's pretty cute. Josh loves towear the football sytle hat in Aggie colors.

My little mini me at Sunday School this morning. He and Josh both said their memory verses and got some candy. They were pretty stoked about that wholebit.

Isn't there a saying about...

Teacher's kids and preacher's kids?

Scene 1: Sunday School today. (I've been alone with the kids for 4 days now) We are all in a circle and praying before going to our classes.

Preacher's wife: Is there anything else?

Hudson: (raising his hand high) yes, I'm really just wondering what is God's last name?

Me: God doesn't have a last name, it's just God.

Hudson: (louder and more determined) YES, I KNOW, BUT WHAT IS HIS LAST NAAAAMMMEEE??

Scene 2: After Sunday School and we are coming down from class. (I teach the preschool kids, which my kids are both in) Josh is going down the stairs behind Hudson and I.

Suzy (the preacher's 5 year old): (singing to the tune of ABC) Stinky, stinky, diaper change, boy my brother smell's real strange...

Me: (to myself) Oh thank God, she's singing about her brother...I already changed Josh's poop this morning.

Just then Josh wanders by and I realize that she's singing about him. The song goes on to include something about ants not wanting to get in the pants and then something about how it appears.

Saturday, October 11, 2008

Deer, Cougars and Bears (an ode) no rhyming...freestyle

You taste so awful, Venison
I hope that you escape
my husband's brand new scope and gun
please please please never grace my plate
so, run fast little bambi
I would rather not have your dead flesh
in my freezer.

As for you Bear and Cougar, I simply have to say
that whilst you may taste like pumpkin pie
I will never ever want to know. Because if a bear/cougar can shit in the woods,
I bet it'll be just as nasty on my plate


Thursday, October 9, 2008


JOSH WENT POTTY ALL BY HIMSELF!!! He told daddy that he had to go potty and then went potty!

You ever feel????

There are times I look at photos

of me with the kids and I think...holy crap! I'm gettin' old! Then I look at pictures of my husband who is 50% gray and I think...HA! At least I have no grays yet...

Then I continue to wonder if thinking those thoughts are bad karma and if now, I'll just end up with more gray hair too!

Alas, I'd ponder these thoughts more, but my three year old has learned to set the kitchen timer I use to regulate their computer time and has now informed me (as he is holding the beeping timer) that my time is up and it is now his turn....

Teacher moment- check out It's a free online learn to read program. It's great for letter introduction & phonemic awareness!

Sunday, October 5, 2008

Cousin day!

We had so much fun playing with my cousin's kids. It was a full out at my aunt and uncle's place. I think the kids had a really good time. They were both pooped when we got home.

We went to the cabin today and nap for the kiddos but I think it was fine all the same. :)

Thursday, October 2, 2008


Hudson has been potty trained for nearly a year (awesome!!!) He sometimes gets potty on the edge of the toilet when he goes. Being the gentleman he is, he wants to wipe it up.

Apparently no one has told him that using my hand/face towel was not kosher.

I'm not quite sure how long he's been doing this, but I've now bleached all my hand/face towels.